Rats are the last thing you want in your Las Vegas home or business. Not only will rats damage your property and spread disease, but they will also drive you crazy with the squeaking and scratching inside your walls.
Unfortunately, rats are a growing problem in the Vegas area. Today, roof rats are found in every neighborhood across the valley. The good news is getting rid of a rat infestation isn’t as difficult as you might think. Here are some of the most important things you need to know about rat control in Las Vegas.
2 Main Types of Rats in Las Vegas
The roof rat (Rattus Rattus) is the most common type of rat in the Las Vegas area. These creatures are adept climbers and tend to be found in the upper parts of buildings. They often live in attics or up in trees and climb down after sunset, when it’s time to eat.
Norway rats (Rattus Norvegicus) are also sometimes found in the area. They are significantly larger, often reaching lengths of 17 inches or greater, and are commonly known as a “street rat” or “sewer rat.” They are less agile and are often found on the ground level and lower floors of buildings.
Signs You Have a Rat Problem
Rats can reproduce quickly, making it important to watch out for signs of rats indoors. The quicker you notice a rat problem, the sooner you can start taking care of it.
Many people first notice rat droppings or see tiny footprints. You may also notice slimy rub marks along your baseboards or floors. Scratching and squeaking noises coming from inside the walls, especially at night, is also a telltale sign that you’re dealing with a rat problem. Although rats are nocturnal, it’s also possible that you may see them running around your house in the daytime.
Norway rats tend to chew, so it’s common to see gnaw marks throughout your home. If you notice that food products in your home are damaged or have been rummaged through, this is also a good sign that you have rats.
How to Get Rid of Rats in Las Vegas
While you may be able to take care of a minor rat issue on your own, professional rat control in Las Vegas is always your best bet. This will ensure the problem is solved quickly and completely.
Whether you choose to do it on your own or work with a professional, the first step in rat control is to get rid of all possible food sources, such as garbage and small crumbs. Keep your trash in a covered container and place grains and cereals in sealed metal or glass containers.
Next, it’s important to locate all the rat’s burrows and hovels and seal them off by covering them with concrete or stuffing them with steel wool. Finally, it’s time to choose an elimination method. Glue boards are a popular option since they are fast-acting, chemical-free, and easy to remove and clean up. However, rats are sometimes able to escape them, and they are not the most humane option.
Mechanical traps are fast, effective, and humane. However, they can make an unsightly mess and must be reset after each use. Poisons are also widely available, but it’s important to be careful as they are toxic to humans and pets.
For most home and commercial properties, baiting systems are likely your best option. They are fast-acting, and the protective box prevents the poison from harming non-target animals.
Trust Progressive Pest Control for Your Rat Control Needs
If you’re looking for the best rat control in Las Vegas, you’re in the right place. Our team of experts will inspect your home or business and help you choose the right rat control method for your needs. We’ll get rid of your rat problem quickly and help you ensure they don’t return. Give us a call today at 702-438-9708 to schedule a consultation.