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Things To Know About Pigeons and Pest Control in Las Vegas

Progressive Pest Control Las Vegas, NV > Uncategorized > Things To Know About Pigeons and Pest Control in Las Vegas

Did you know that pigeons are one of the oldest domesticated birds, with a history that dates back to Asia, Europe, and North Africa? Well, pigeons have become a common sight around the cities of the world, Las Vegas being one of the cities with the highest population of pigeons.

However, these pest birds can be a nuisance rather than fantastic birds, and understanding how to prevent pigeon problems is essential. Fortunately, there are some things you need to do to protect yourself against the problems associated with pigeons in Las Vegas.

Pigeon Prevention in Las Vegas

In Las Vegas, pigeons have been known to cause serious property damage and, if left unchecked, can be a major health hazard. Here are the tips to pigeon-proof your property.

Identify the Problem Areas

The first step to effective pigeon prevention is identifying where pigeons may nest or roost on your property. Pigeons prefer sheltered areas such as underneath eaves or awnings, rooftops, and window ledges. If you notice large congregations of pigeons in any of these areas around your home or business, you will likely have problems such as stained property due to excessive droppings.

Habitat Modification

The next step in controlling the number of pigeons on your property is to modify their habitat. Ensure that surfaces such as rooftops and windowsills do not provide them with a suitable nesting area.
Make sure to seal off any potential sheltering spots on your property. Hang netting on awnings or other ledges and place spikes along window sills and gutters where birds tend to perch. Both methods make it difficult for pigeons to land or nest in these areas due to the physical barrier created by the netting or spikes.
Additionally, try eliminating potential food or water sources, such as bird feeders or open garbage cans. Removing these resources will make pigeons less likely to linger near your property.

Indulge Pest Control Services

If you need more than these methods, consider hiring a professional Las Vegas pest control service like Progressive Pest Control.
Professional pest control services have access to more advanced tools, such as traps and chemicals, that can help reduce the population of pigeons near your home or business quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, they also have access to high-quality bird repellents that can deter birds from returning in the future.
Progressive Pest Control can safely remove pigeon droppings and thoroughly disinfect the areas, ensuring that all problems are gone. This ensures that your property remains fresh and sanitized after the service.

Cleaning Pigeon Droppings

If you already have an issue with pigeon droppings on your property, you must clean them up quickly and safely.

Wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a face mask when cleaning up the droppings since they can contain harmful bacteria or viruses that could cause illness if inhaled or touched directly.

Once you’ve removed the droppings, use a diluted bleach solution to disinfect the area before allowing anyone back into it. Let the area air-dry before welcoming people and pets.

You can hire a Las Vegas pest control professional if the pigeon droppings are excessive. Property restoration and pest control companies can offer high-quality services to remove accumulated bird debris.

Prevent Pigeons in Las Vegas

Take control of your property in Las Vegas and prevent pigeons from taking up residence with the help of Progressive Pest Control. Utilize our Las Vegas pest control experts to choose the best pest control options for your property, such as bird spikes, wire netting, physical barriers, sonic repellents, and visual deterrents. Contact us today and let professionals help with pigeon pest control on your Las Vegas property.

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